Sonnenschein® A200


The dryfit range for small universal applications Nominal capacities: Blocks 1 - 6,5 Ah (4V, 6V, 8V and 12V), design life 5 years.

View Sonnenschein® A200

Sonnenschein® A400


A global brand with a solid reputation and technical image among VRLA battery consumers. Brand longevity is a key feature of this product line which was first developed in 1957. It benefits from the positive quality image of German industry. Available in ranges from 7,12 and up to 18 years life, Sonnenschein® has produced more than 30 million batteries. Positive features are: EXPERIENCE, ROBUSTNESS, RELIABILITY. Sonnenschein® stands for dryfit-Technology .

View Sonnenschein® A400

Sonnenschein® A500


A powerful universal safety package Nominal capacities: Blocks 1,2 - 200 Ah (2V - 12V), design life 7 years.

View Sonnenschein® A500

Sonnenschein® A600


Premium quality for uninterrupted communication Nominal capacities: Blocks 91 - 274 Ah (6V and 12V), design life 15 years Cells 224 - 3286 Ah (2V), design life 20 years.

View Sonnenschein® A600

Sonnenschein® A700


The durable high energy and reliable battery system Nominal capacities: Blocks 21 - 280 Ah (4V and 6V), design life 12 years +

View Sonnenschein® A700

Sonnenschein® Solar


Sonnenschein® Solar, Sonnenschein® Solar Block, and Sonnenschein® OPzV Solar. Three ranges to serve your individual solar energy storage needs.

View Sonnenschein® Solar